For the unversed, AWS has emerged as the leading component of the eCommerce giant’s business portfolio. Today, it boasts of more than million users across 190 nations worldwide. Since the arrival of AWS cloud in 2004, businesses across different verticals had a wonderful opportunity to access less variable costs supplanting infrastructure-related high costs. Over the first quarter of 2020, AWS generates the record revenue of $10 billion, which accounts for 13.5% of Amazon's total revenue. Having grown steadily while garnering 30% more revenue than the previous quarters, AWS is undoubtedly the frontrunner to other cloud computing platforms such as Microsoft Azure.
But what exactly is AWS and how companies are benefitting out of it?
Precisely, AWS is nothing but a platform offering an array of cloud computing products and services, which help companies reduce dependence on in-premise set up. AWS brings a complete suite of servers, storage, networking, remote computing, email, mobile development, and security at a time at much reduced cost. Moreover, AWS has 76 availability zones in which its servers are located. Here’s why companies are relying on AWS and the perks it offers.

AWS Offers Great Cost-Savings
Just imagine, how organisations used to purchase a large volume of storage for stockpiling important document and crucial data, for which they have to shell out a pricey amount once upon a time. And whenever the purchased space is consumed, organisations need to pay again to buy space. In fact, you need to buy a specific volume of storage even when you do not need that volume.
But, with AWS Cloud things are easy. There’s no upfront cost, neither there’s any mandatory estimated limit for purchase. You pay what you use. It’s easy to build a powerful storehouse as per the requirement and the price is scaled accordingly.

Scalable & Adaptable
As mentioned previously that the pricing in AWS depends solely on the customers’ usage; start-ups and small businesses can see the obvious benefits of AWS for computing needs. In fact, big companies are also relying on it. While for a startup, AWS Cloud brings all the necessary tools to start up, for the existing firms, AWS brings low-cost migration services, thus ensuring seamless relocation of your existing infrastructure without compromising with your business process.
What’s more! As the company expands, AWS provides you with the resources to aid expansion. Since, it is available for flexible usage, you no longer need to worry about the computing usage. In fact, organisations could realistically “set and forget” their computing needs as they migrate into AWS.

Security & Reliability
There’s no doubt that Amazon offers better security over the company hosted website or storage. As already mentioned, AWS has dozens of data centers worldwide, which are under continuous supervision and monitoring, which also ensures that a disaster striking at one region doesn’t debilitate the process worldwide. Neither it causes permanent data loss worldwide. Moreover, there’s a centralized data backup always available with AWS.
In recent times, companies are increasingly moving to the cloud for extended convenience. However, only a handful of options can provide scopes as wide as AWS.